
Frequently Asked Questions


1) Does Arel offer any interactive library services?

Arel Library, the way of access to information, provides its members with interactive library services through the address: http://kutuphane.arel.edu.tr.

2) Is there any mobile application for library transactions?

You can complete membership process through Cep Kütüphanem application. Downloading the application on Google Play and Appstore, you can access printed and digital sources by choosing İstanbul Arel University.

3) How can I access my library user account?

Clicking “My Library Account” on the library webpage, faculties and staff can get access to the account with their e-mails and passwords, and students can access by entering student ID number into the member code section and T.R. ID number into the password section.


4) What transactions can be done through the library user account?

Via your library user account, you can access the list of source of information you want to see in the library collection and also the items you have borrowed, returned and reserved. You can also make work requests, renew items, and reserve a borrowed book.

5) How can I search for any material?

Via Cep Kütüphanem application or by clicking “Catalogue Search” on the library webpage, you can check the materials you look for using filters such as work title, author name, topic, genre, language, etc.
In addition, you can look for the printed and digital sources on a single interface using “Academic Search” box on the library home page.

6) Are there study rooms in the library? If yes, do I have to reserve a study room?

Our faculties and students can use the study rooms in accordance with specified conditions. Our members who would like to use the rooms can make a reservation for rooms from “Study Room Reservation” on the library webpage.
For reservation, you can visit “http://katalog.arel.edu.tr/yordambt/yordam.php?sayfaOturumAc

7) When is the library open?

Kemal Gözükara Library


08:30 – 17:00



Sefaköy Library


08:30 – 22:00


08:30 – 13:00

Cevizlibağ Library


08:30 – 17:30


For information about 24-hour open study rooms, see below:
The location of 24-hour open study rooms:
For Kemal Gözükara Campus:    B-118
For Sefaköy Campus:                     Block D, Floor 4
For Cevizlibağ Campus:                 open 24/7 for usage

8) How can I borrow any material from the library? How many books can I borrow at one time and how long can I keep them?

To borrow an item, firstly, you should show your Arel ID card.
Students who registered for Bachelor’s and Associate degree programs can borrow 5 books for 15 days; students at postgraduate programs can do 10 books
Borrowing period is:
15 days for students at Bachelor’s and Associate degree programs taking 5 books;
20 days for students at postgraduate programs taking 10 books;
60 days for faculties taking 15 books;
20 days for staff taking 10 books.

9) Can I study at the library at midterm and final periods?

It is possible to study 24/7 in the study rooms at all campuses.

10) I stay at a dormitory. Can I benefit from the library whenever I need?

Any material can be borrowed from the libraries within only work hours. It is possible to study 24/7 in the study rooms at all campuses.
Our faculties and students can access sources of information they need for education, research and scientific studies through interactive library services. All of our members can access more than 300.000 electronic resources outside of the campuses.

11) How can I access subscription databases (electronic resources)?

You can access the content lists clicking Databases on the library webpage. You can carry out your studies through “Subscription Databases” and “Trial Databases”.

12) Can I access the databases (electronic resources) outside of the campus?

You can search on all of our databases in a single interface via “Academic Search” box on the library home page.
If you use Academic Search box outside of the campus, you should write your Arel e-mail and choose the extension (@arel.edu.tr, and for students: @arel.edu.tr) and enter your Arel e-mail password into the password box. Afterwards, you can access our databases outside of the campus.

13) Are there any training programs for the members of the library?

All of our members can make requests for introduction, information and orientation. You can consult information desk about any problems regarding access to sources.
You can communicate with us through kutuphane@arel.edu.tr when you have any questions, problems and suggestions.