


1)What are the attendance requirements?

Students must attend classes, practices and exams.
Students must attend at least 80% of the theoretical courses and 70% of the practical courses.
A student who does not meet the attendance requirements for any reason including suspension from the University with a report or disciplinary action, is considered unsuccessful in that course.
Representing the University or Turkey with the approval of the Rectorate, meeting, sports, art or Absences of students participating in similar activities on these activity days are not taken into account.
Absences of students participating in meeting, sports, art or any other similar activities, where students represent the University or Turkey, are not taken into consideration.

2) I missed my exam. What should I do?

Students who have failed to take the midterm and final exams must apply to the Vocational School Directorate with a petition and document stating their excuses no later than five working days following the exam date. Students whose excuses are accepted by the relevant administrative board use their exam rights between the dates determined by the relevant administrative board. A second make-up exam is not allowed for make-up exams.

3) Is my health report for absence valid?

Absences of students participating in meetings, sports, arts or similar activities on behalf of the University or Turkey, with the approval of the Rectorate, are not taken into account. Apart from this, no excuses are accepted for attendance, including a medical report.

4) Where to get a valid health report?

It must be taken from a full-fledged state or private hospital.

5) What to consider during course selection process?

Course selection process must be completed within the dates specified in the academic calendar.
Students must select the courses they failed in the previous terms.
Course registration form must be confirmed by the academic advisor.
Overlapping courses that require attendance cannot be typically taken.
In case of overlapping, students must give priority to the failed courses.

6) Do I have the right to object to the exam result?

Students can object to the exam results no later than five working days following the announcement of the grades. The objection is made with a petition submitted to the Vocational School Directorate.
If a factual error is detected as a result of the review made by the relevant instructor, this error is corrected with the decision of the relevant administrative board. If it is understood that there is no factual error, the situation is recorded in the petition of the concerned person by the instructor and the result is notified to the student in writing.
Objections are finalized within fifteen days following the acceptance date of the student’s objection petition.

7) What to do in case of a problem?

If you have a problem, you should first see the instructor of the course, and if you do not get an answer, you should discuss it with the program manager or the head of the department. If you do not get a result, you can contact the Deputy Director of Vocational School or the Director of Vocational School.

8) How to submit any petitions?

Standard petition forms are available on our website. You can download them and submit your petition accordingly. If you cannot find examples here, you must write your petition based on these examples. Click here to access standard petition samples.

9) When and how to select the courses?

Course registrations are done on the dates specified in the academic calendar.

      • Course registrations for the first two semesters of newly registered students are made directly by the Student Affairs Office at the beginning of the relevant semester. These students have to take the internet printout of the course registration forms and have them approved by their advisors by the end of the second week, and submit a copy to the ÖİDB.
      • Other students register for courses under the supervision of their advisors or online. Those who have registered under the supervision of the advisor have their advisor approve the course registration form showing selected courses and submit it to the Student Affairs Office by the end of the second week. Students who register for courses online also have their advisors approve the courses they have taken and the course registration forms by the end of the second week, and submit a copy to the Student Affairs Office.
10) What is the maximum amount of credits which I can take per semester?

The maximum amount of credits is 24.

11) What are the grade criteria for graduation?

Students whose semester grade point average and GPA are 2.00 or more in a semester are considered successful in that semester.

12) Can I take courses from next years?

Students who pass the exemption exam successfully for the courses determined by the Senate, can take courses from the next semester/year, not exceeding the total credit hours of the semester/year in which they are exempt or successful.

13) What if I fail to select the courses?

A student who does not register for a semester course cannot take classes and exams that semester and cannot benefit from student rights. This period is counted as the student’s education period.

14) Is it mandatory to take the English Preparatory Program?

Students of Vocational School can attend English Preparatory Program if they wish. It is not mandatory for Vocational School.

15) When are the exemption exams held?

Exemption exams are held on the dates specified in the academic calendar.
Courses for which exemption exams are to be held determined by the Senate. Students successfully passing the exemption exams are exempted at their own request.

16) On what issues can I consult to Academic Advisor?

You can see your academic advisor on educational issues.

17) Can I do Major?

Major studies are not possible in Vocational School.

18) Can I do minor?

Minor studies are not possible in Vocational School.

19) For which courses can I take exemption exams?
  • Courses for which exemption exams are to be held determined by the Senate. Students successfully passing the exemption exams are exempted at their own request.
  • For the courses English I-II and Computer I-II, exemption exams are held.
20) Can I take courses from other universities within the scope of Summer School?

Courses can be taken from other universities, provided that they are not opened in our Vocational School and that the directorate approves. A student can take a maximum of three courses from the summer education programs of other universities during his education.

21) Can I freeze my registration? How?

If there is a righteous and valid reason accepted by the relevant administrative board, the student’s registration can be frozen. The student makes the request to freeze registration in writing directly to the relevant vocational school directorate. The student that makes the request to freeze registration needs to submit the relevant documents justifying their reasons of freezing such as health report, certificate of exemption from military service, disaster certificate to be obtained from the civil authority or documents proving that they will study abroad.

22) When to register for classes?

Course enrolment is done on the dates specified in Academic Calendar.

23) What if I do not register for classes?

The student that fails to register for class(es) cannot attend the courses and exams and also cannot benefit from the student rights in the given semester. The semesters in which the student fails to register for classes are counted from their education period.
A student who does not register for two consecutive semesters without an excuse will be dismissed from the University if they do not register in the third semester following this period.

24) What are the application conditions for last course exam?

Students who have met the graduation requirements except for one failed course with FF can take the last course exam in the semester in which the course is taken with the decision of the relevant board of directors provided that they apply with a petition. The final grade of the students who take the last course exam is determined only based on the scores they get in the last course exam, without considering the scores obtained from the exams and projects during the semester. Students who fail in a last course exam with an FF grade can take the exam for this course in any exam period without seeking attendance.

25) When are the exemption exams held?

Students who have not taken mid-term exams and final exams are supposed to apply for a make-up exam to the relevant directorates of school, vocational school or Dean’s Office within five working days at the latest following the exam date with the petition and documents justifying their excuses. Students whose applications for make-up exams are accepted can take exams on the dates determined by the relevant governing board. Second make-up exams are not allowed for the make-up exams.

26) How to object to exam results?

Students can object to exam results within the five working days at the least following the announcement of the exam results. Objections are made by means of a petition to the Vocational School Directorate.
If any factual errors are detected during the review of the relevant instructor, the given factual error is corrected by the decision of governing board. If it is determined that there are no factual errors, the result of the review is recorded in the petition of the concerned person by the instructor and the student is notified with regard to the review result in writing.
Objections are finalized within fifteen days at the latest following the acceptance date of the student’s objection petition.

27) How to calculate final grade?

Students attend the mid-term exams, projects as well as final exams. 40% of the Mid-term exams, laboratory and similar course-related studies, assignments, attendance and short exams and and 60% of the final exam grade are added to the final grading. However, provided that these grades remain constant, the contributions of quizzes, homework, project studies and course attendance are determined by the relevant instructor. The points to be added by quiz, assignment, projects and attendance are determined by the instructor provided that the percentages are fixed.

28) How to calculate GPA?

Semester Grade Point Average (YNO) is the score obtained by dividing the sum obtained by multiplying the credit value of each of the courses enrolled in that semester and the interval coefficient of the success grade received from that course by the sum of the credit values of all the courses taken in that semester.

Grade Point Average (GPA) is the score obtained by dividing the sum obtained by multiplying the credit value of each of the courses enrolled in all semesters and the interval coefficient of the success grade received by the sum of the credit values of all the courses taken.
As a result of the division, the two digits after the decimal point are calculated and are rounded up when the third digit after the decimal point is five or more.
Regardless of the previous success grade, the most recent grade is taken as a basis for repeated courses and courses taken to increase grades.

29) How to get in the list of honour students?

The students having a semester GPA of 3.50 and above are granted high honour certificates and the students having a GPA between 3.00 and 3.49 are granted honour certificates. High honour and honour students are given a high honour or honour certificate by the Rectorate.

30) What are the legal excuses?

Legal excuses are included in the 45th article of our Associate Degree and Undergraduate Education and Examination Regulations.

31) How to calculate the grade points of last course exam and additional exams?

The grade point of the students taking the last course exam are determined based solely on the grade obtained from the last course exam, and the points obtained from the activities are excluded.

32) What is a Summer School for?

To ensure the efficient use of educational capacity by evaluating the educational opportunities of the university,
To provide the students with the opportunity of taking the courses, which they have failed or have not taken, in the summer period and to increase the efficiency by preventing student accumulation in the courses.
To enable students to reduce their normal course load by taking some courses in summer education,
To enable students who have gone to other universities within the scope of national and international exchange programs, registered via vertical transfer, taken the courses with prerequisites, done their major and minor studies, have failed to take the courses from previous or next years to get the necessary courses in the summer period.

33) Is the time spent in Summer School counted from the education period?

The time spent in Summer School is not counted from the education period.

34) When can I get my Honour/High Honour certificate?

Honour and High Honour certificates are granted to students at the end of the year.

35) In what circumstances DD and DC grades

If the semester GPA is above 2.00, the grades DD and DC are considered passing.
If the semester GPA is below 2.00 and the cumulative GPA of last two semesters is above 2.00, the grades DD and DC are considered passing.

36) What attendance requirements are there for mid-term exams and final exams?

Students with poor attendance cannot take final exam.