Speaking Club: It is held on certain days of the week in Sefaköy and Kemal Gözükara campuses. The aim is to improve the speaking skills of our students. This activity, conducted with an instructor, is open to all our students who want to participate. Click here to access the Speech Club schedule.
Reading Club: There are Turkish resources in Istanbul Arel University libraries suitable for all levels. The aim is to develop the reading habits of the students and to improve their Turkish language proficiency. Students can also utilize these resources as part of their project assignments. Click here to access the book lists.
Exemption Exam: At the beginning of each academic year, students who want to take the exemption exam can be exempted from the Turkish Preparatory Program if they are successful. Students who score 70 and above are exempt from the exam, while students who score below 70 are placed in groups appropriate for their level by taking the Placement Exam.
Placement Exam (ARELSTS): At the beginning of each academic year, all English Preparatory Programme students are required to take an exam to determine their level of English proficiency and are placed into classes according to the results they obtain in this exam. With this exam, it is aimed to place students with similar language proficiency in the same classes. In accordance with the results they obtain from ARELSTS, students are usually divided into groups at A1 and A2 levels.
Orientation:The first week of each academic year has been determined as the orientation week of the Turkish Preparatory Program. During this week, students have the opportunity to get to know the University learn about the general rules, meet their instructors, discover the opportunities the University has to offer and the use of systems and materials. Thus, our students are prepared psychologically for university life.
Attendance: In the Turkish Preparatory Program, our students must attend at least 80% of the courses. Students with absenteeism are warned by the Coordinator at regular intervals. Attendance statuses are regularly informed to students and unwanted situations that may occur are tried to be minimized.
Materials and Online Use: İstanbul Textbook For Foreigners is used in our lessons. In addition, an online cloud is created for each class through smart boards and homework assignments are made here. In this way, the development of our students is monitored online.
Language Level System: Language Level System is applied in the Turkish Preparatory Program. The aim of this system is that students complete 3 courses from the level they started until the end of the year. Students who start classes at A1 and A2 levels graduate at B1 and B2 levels by the end of the year. Students can drop or advance to another level depending on the results they obtain from the exams carried out every two weeks and at the end of the each level and the evaluation of the instructors.
Presentation: As part of the speaking classes, students are required to give a presentation at the end of the first and second terms. These presentations are taken into consideration when determining the final grade.
Writing Portfolio: As part of the writing lessons, our students collect all the work they have done during the year in the form of a file. This portfolio is taken into account in the evaluation of the final grade.
Preparation for the Department: In order for our students to be ready for their undergraduate education, which they will start at the end of the Turkish Preparatory Program, they come together with undergraduate instructors in various activities, and they have the opportunity to both socialize and prepare for the department in the second semester. Again in this context, students are given various materials according to the numerical-verbal distinction so that they become familiar with the terms related to their field.
Course Schedule: One course week consists of a total of 25 hours which is divided as follows: 15 hours for reading, 6 hours for writing and 4 hours for speaking.
Education System: The final grade consists of 40% of the exams conducted every two weeks, 40% of the Proficiency Exam and 20% of the evaluation of the instructors.
The evaluation of the instructors is based on the writing portfolio which is graded a maximum score of 6, speaking which is graded a maximum score of 6 and participation in lessons, online activities and attendance which are graded a maximum score of 8.
The passing grade is determined in accordance with the level studied. For example, the passing grade for students of the Department of Translation and Interpreting is 70.
Proficiency Exam : The Proficiency Exam is carried out at the B2 level. 40% of the exam result is included in the student’s overall average.
Summer School: Students who have not succeeded in the Turkish Preparatory Program as a result of the studies conducted during the academic year can enroll in the summer school program if it is available that year. In general, summer school begins in the last week of June and ends in the second week of August. Further details regarding the summer school are announced in June.
Student Guidance: Students can request extra support from their lecturers in accordance with their schedules. These requests are evaluated by the Coordinator and, if the requests are deemed acceptable, students are provided with a schedule.
Administration: The programme groups at both the Kemal Gözükara and Sefaköy campuses are administered by the Preparatory Programme Coordination Office. There is also a supervisor assigned specifically to the Sefaköy Campus.
Training of the Trainers:Our trainers participate in various training programs regularly in order to contribute to their own development and exchange views. For example, material usage and online usage training at the beginning of each academic year are among them.
Classroom Observation: The classroom environment is observed and evaluated during each academic year through an official designated by the Coordination Office. With these observations, educational activities are monitored and thus personal development is ensured.
Survey: At the end of each academic year, students are asked to complete a survey where they have the opportunity to assess their lecturers, the materials, the Coordination Office, the system and other areas. Necessary developments are made in line with the results of the surveys.
Assessment and Evaluation: The Testing Office within the Coordination Office prepares, conducts and assesses the exams and tests conducted.
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