Foreign language education, which has been tried to be carried out with great effort for the last fifty years in our country, has now become an extremely good and luxury position today. Thus, thousands or even millions of people have learned foreign languages to date and have risen in their careers by using what they have learned for their personal and professional purposes and have had the opportunity to work in senior management positions.
Undoubtedly, English comes first among the foreign languages taught. Our country has come a long way in teaching English. Considering all these developments, Istanbul Arel University, which started education with great devotion and enthusiasm in the 2007-2008 Academic Year, has designed and implemented a special English Preparatory Education Program for its students, taking into account all the new developments and methodological studies that have been used in English Language Education in recent years.
English Preparatory Education is carried out by an experienced and competent teaching staff. The only purpose of language teaching is to enable our students to learn English consciously and enjoy it, and to use it for both personal and professional purposes. As the School of Foreign Languages, our goal is to ensure that our students learn at least one foreign language in the best possible way and to give our students the awareness that a foreign language is a concept to be learned rather than taught.
In Istanbul Arel University School of Foreign Languages English Preparatory Program, students are placed in groups according to their language level and are evaluated every 7 weeks during their English education. Foreign language learning abilities of our students are constantly supported by various studies, and every successful study is rewarded when necessary. The main goal of our students in learning English is to help them use this language in the best way in line with their productive skills. All the possibilities of technology and multimedia are used in English teaching, and an approach that takes individual skills and abilities into account, away from the classical English teaching method, is adopted.
Within the scope of the English Preparatory Program, each of our students, during the free study time during the week, have the opportunity to consolidate what they have learned as a member of clubs such as
It is extremely important that our English Preparatory students are informed about the following issues.
Compulsory Class AttendanceIn English Preparatory Programs, the weekly course hours are determined as 30 according to the features of the undergraduate and associate degree programs in which the student is registered. In this context, English Preparatory Program students are required to attend at least 80% of the total course hours in an Academic Year. Regardless of their excuses, students whose total absences in an Academic Year exceed of the specified total number of course hours in that Academic Year are deemed unsuccessful in the English Preparatory Program and lose their right to take the midterm, quiz and final exam exams. Students in this situation reserve the right to participate in the English Summer Education (İYÖ) and take the Istanbul Arel University English Proficiency Exam (ARELİYES), which will be held before the next Academic Year starts. Students who do not take this exam or fail to take this exam have to reregister and start their education in the English Preparatory Program again according to the conditions specified in Article 11.
Student Success AssessmentThe success of the students in the English Preparatory Program at Istanbul Arel University is determined by the midterm exam, quiz, homework, project and other in-class studies held during the Academic Year and the final exam held at the end of the Academic Year. In the general assesment made at the end of the year, the student must get at least 60 out of 100 full marks. In an academic year, at least one midterm exam is held at the end of each level.
A student’s overall assessment success grade is calculated by taking 40% of midterm exams, quizzes, homework and other in-class studies, 40% of the end-of-year exam and 20% of the extra grades. The contribution of each of the midterm exams, quizzes, homework and other in-class studies to the grade is announced by the Program Department at the beginning of the academic year.
Students who score at least 60 out of 100, calculated in this way at the end of the Academic Year, are deemed to have succeeded in the English Preparatory Program.
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