The Educational Process
Education and research are conducted related to training physicians who will work in the field of protecting and promoting people’s health, curing their diseases and disabilities. A person who has received a diploma of the Faculty of Medicine bears the title of general practitioner. General practitioners can specialize in their chosen fields if they are successful in their medical specialty exams. Faculties of Medicine providing education in the field of health include the following branches of science. These are classified as Surgical Medical Sciences, Internal Medical Sciences, Basic Medical Sciences.
Surgical Medical Sciences
Department of Surgical Medical Sciences includes the departments of Anesthesiology and Reanimation; Neurosurgery; Pediatric Surgery; General Surgery; Thoracic Surgery; Ophthalmology; Obstetrics and Gynecology; Cardiovascular; Surgery, Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases; Orthopedics and Traumatology; Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery; Medical Departments of Urology and Pathology and also includes the departments within them.
Internal Medical Sciences
Department of Internal Medical Sciences includes the departments of Emergency Medicine; Forensic Medicine; Family Medicine; Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases; Child Health and Diseases; Skin and Venereal Diseases; Infectious Diseases; Medical Pharmacology; Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; Chest Diseases; Public Health; Internal Diseases; Cardiology; Neurology; Nuclear Medicine; Mental Health and Diseases; Radiation Oncology; Radiology; Sports Medicine; Medical Genetics and also includes the departments within them.
Basic Medical Sciences
Basic Medical Sciences includes the courses aimed at teaching the normal structure of the human body, which the physician will deal with throughout his life. These courses include Anatomy, Biophysics, Biostatistics, Medical Biochemistry, Medical History and Ethics, Histology and Embryology, Physiology, Medical Microbiology, Medical Education, Medical Biology, Parasitology, Immunology and also the departments within them. Anatomy and Histology-Embryology teach the morphological structure of the human body, while Physiology and Biophysics studies the functional mechanisms of our body; Medical Biochemistry studies the chemical structure of our body; Medical Biology studies the structure and molecular mechanisms of cells. Medical Microbiology teaches bacteria and viruses in our body, as well as other microorganisms that cause diseases.
Job Opportunities
A person who has graduated from a Faculty of Medicine and has assumed the title of a general practitioner is eligible to take the TUS exam if s/he receives sufficient point from a foreign language exam and then chooses the desired branch. General practitioners, on the other hand, can work in government agencies and private organizations.
In addition to general practice, s/he can works as an academician at the university. For this, it is necessary to complete master’s and doctoral studies with sufficient knowledge of foreign language. Graduates of the Faculty of Medicine who can become academicians in the field of basic medical sciences and clinical sciences can make progress in their profession with the articles they publish and the projects they conduct.
Doctors also have the right to open their own medical clinics. In this way, doctors who open clinics can work freelance. Graduates of the Faculty of Medicine can also work as a family doctor.
Physic begins with graduating from the Faculty of Medicine and continues for a lifetime with the process of self-improvement in all areas.
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