Economics and Administrative Sciences

Students Rights

İnternational Relations



1) Confidentiality of Student Registration Information 

All kinds of personal information shared by University students with various units of the University, either during registration or on other occasions, are kept confidential by the University. However, even without the student’s own consent, the University is obliged to share such information with official institutions and authorities such as the Courts of the Republic of Turkey, etc. upon request.


2) Right to Equal Benefit 

University students have the right to benefit equally from all services, opportunities and facilities of the University throughout their student life at the University without discrimination based on race, nationality, country, religion, sect, language, gender, social class, profession, family identity, etc. and within the framework of the principle of equality determined by the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey.


3) Right to Take Courses and Exams 

The courses to be taken by the students of the University during their studentship are determined within the scope of the course programmes consisting of compulsory and elective courses prepared according to the semester criteria. Elective courses are opened if the minimum number of students determined by the University is reached. At the beginning of each semester, the lecturer in charge of teaching the course must share the syllabus of the course with the student. The course syllabus, which the instructor is obliged to share with the student, includes the weekly topics of the course, the purpose of the course, resources, all possible materials to be used in the course, exam dates, course evaluation and grading criteria, attendance and attendance information, etc. It includes all the requirements for the course. With the course syllabus, the mutual rights and responsibilities of the student and the lecturer are also determined in detail. Students have the right to share their ideas, thoughts, impressions and complaints about the course they are taking with the relevant units and individuals within the framework of ethical rules, without worrying about being penalised or discriminated against. The evaluation of course success and grade notification process is carried out without violating the student’s right to confidentiality.


4) Right to Report a Problem and Request a Solution 

University students have the right to notify the relevant units of the University about any problems they encounter at the University. The relevant units of the University are obliged to follow up the problem reported by the student in all aspects and produce an appropriate solution.


5) Right to Information 

Students have the right to receive all kinds of information they need within the scope of their student status from the relevant units of the University in the most accurate and timely manner throughout their education at the University. At this point, the relevant provisions of the Right to Information Law No. 4982 are also taken into consideration. In order for the information process to function properly, students are obliged to share the necessary information about themselves (contact information, etc.) with the relevant units of the University in an accurate and complete manner and to follow the communication channels to be directed by the University in a timely and accurate manner.


6) Transparency in Disciplinary Processes 

In disciplinary processes, no discrimination is made between students. The disciplinary process is carried out in accordance with the relevant legislation. The student subjected to the disciplinary process has the right to receive information about the investigation processes.

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