Economics and Administrative Sciences

Program Criteria

İnternational Relations


  1. Comprehends advanced theoretical and/or applied information supported by current information and scientific sources from the field of international relations and its basic sub-branches such as International Relations, Political History, International Law, Foreign Policy.
  2. Defines advanced conceptual knowledge about the historical course, institutional infrastructure, institutions and theories of international relations.
  3. Uses the advanced knowledge he has in his field in the development of the system in which he works by integrating the theoretical knowledge he has acquired in his field with practice.
  4. Develops an original and critical perspective by distinguishing that the perspectives that constitute the global, political, social, economic and legal framework are not the same.
  5. Takes responsibility and risks individually and as a group member to solve various complex, unforeseen problems related to the field.
  6. Acts with awareness of social, scientific and ethical values during the collection, interpretation, announcement and application of data related to the field of international relations.
  7. Takes responsibility individually or as a team member in carrying out complex and unpredictable activities encountered in applications related to the field.
  8. Independently carries out an advanced study in his field.
  9. Manages activities aimed at the development of employees under his/her responsibility within the framework of a project.
  10. Takes initiative in implementing knowledge, ideas, practices or technologies that bring innovation to the field.
  11. .Develops entrepreneurial competence individually or as a team member.
  12. Evaluates the advanced knowledge and skills acquired in the field with a critical approach.
  13. Informs relevant persons and institutions in writing or verbally by supporting his thoughts on issues related to his field and solution suggestions to problems with quantitative and qualitative data.
  14. Follows the developments in the field and communicates with colleagues by using a foreign language (English) at least at the European Language Portfolio B1 General Level.
  15. Uses information and communication technologies to the extent required by the field, based on the computer usage competence defined in the Advanced Level of the European Computer Usage License.
  16. Organizes and implements projects and events for the social environment in which he lives, with awareness of social responsibility.
  17. Acts in accordance with social, scientific, cultural and ethical values during the collection, interpretation, application and announcement of the results of data related to the field.
  18. Carries out activities related to its field in line with the awareness it has acquired on the universality of social rights, social justice, quality culture and protection of cultural values and environmental protection.
  19. Has an international communication ability between different cultures and societies; thinks locally and acts globally.

About the Department