Faculty of Medicine Academic Administrative Staff |
Name and Surname / Duty | Contact |
Prof . Dr. Mustafa Cem UZAL |
0850 850 27 35 -4070 |
Prof. Dr. Enver DURAN Head of Medical History and Ethics Department |
0850 850 27 35 - 4001 |
Prof. Dr. Meryem ÇAM Faculty of Medicine 1st Year Coordinator Head of Histology and Embryology Department |
0850 850 27 35 - 4027
Lecturer Dr. Tuba MUTLU TURGUT Faculty of Medicine 1st Year Assistant Coordinator Lecturer Dr. of Medical Biology Department |
0850 850 27 35- 4035 |
Prof. Dr. Niyazi ACER Faculty of Medicine 2nd Year Coordinator Head of Basic Medical SciencesDepartment Head of Anatomy Department |
0850 850 27 35- 4063 |
Lecturer Dr. Sevgin DEĞİRMENCİOĞLU Faculty of Medicine 2nd Year Coordinator Lecturer Dr. of Medical Biochemistry Department |
sevgindegirmencioglu@arel.edu.tr 0850 850 27 35- 4043 |
Prof. Dr. Özge UZUN Head of Medical Pharmacology Department Head of Medical Pharmacology Department |
0850 850 27 35- 4051 |
Prof. Dr. Hüseyin SÜRÜCÜ Faculty of Medicine 4th Year Coordinator Head of Internal Medicine Sciences Department Head of Internal Diseases Department |
0850 850 27 35 |
Prof. Dr. Gülden KAFALI Faculty of Medicine 5th Year Coordinator Head of Child Health and Diseases Department |
0850 850 27 35 |
Prof. Dr. Köksal ÖNER Head of Surgical Medical Sciences Department Head of General Surgery Department |
0850 850 27 35 - 4008 |
Prof. Dr. Cem Murat BAYKAL Head of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department |
0850 850 27 35 |
Prof. Dr. Ali Ender OFLUOĞLU Head of Neurosurgery Department |
0850 850 27 35 |
Prof. Dr. Uğur ÇEVİKBAŞ Head of Pathology Department |
0850 850 27 35 |
Prof. Dr. Ayşe YÜKSEL Head of Public Health Department |
0850 850 27 35 |
Prof. Dr. Ercan ABAY Head of Mental Health and Diseases Department |
0850 850 27 35 |
Prof. Dr. Orhan DENLİ Head of Physiology Department |
0850 850 27 35 - 4034
Lecturer Dr. Sevinç MİS Head of Physiology Department |
0850 850 27 35 – 4017
Lecturer Dr. Nilgün SAHİP Head of Medical Microbiology Department |
0850 850 27 35 – 4064
Prof. Dr. Hülya YAZICI Medical Biology and Genetics Head of Department |
0850 850 27 35-4079 |
Prof. Dr. Yıldız İYİDOĞAN Medical Biochemistry Head of Department |
0850 850 27 35-4062 |
Prof. Dr. Elif Cihadiye ÖZTÜRK Medical Microbiology |
0850 850 27 35 |
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