İstanbul Arel Üniversitesi | Computer Engineering Department Graduation Project Presentation Dates

Computer Engineering Department Graduation Project Presentation Dates


Attention to Computer Engineering Department Students!

Graduation Project presentation dates are available in the attached table. Students are required to be present in the project classroom number 149 on the 1st floor (dining hall floor) on the specified date and time interval.

Each student who will make a graduation project presentation must share the report prepared in the attached draft format with his/her advisor and other academicians in the jury until 04.06.24 23:59 at the latest. It is compulsory for students to prepare a presentation file. Presentation file and the question-answer part of the project will take a total of 10 minutes for each student.

NOTE: Students who will make presentations are required to attend the presentations in formal attire.
Presentations will not be repeated.